Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tulipa Foolipa

How do you ever know what your going to get? You don't. Ever. That the excitment, and the anxiety all rolled up in to one fun little package!~

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Time is Whatever You Want it to Be

When did Pacific Standard Time become Pacific Daylight time??


For some reason I've really been noticing hypocrisy as of late. For example, the tanning salon down the street was packed full of people waiting to get roasted, 6 weeks ago there no one ever in there. I remember a friend of mine who worked in a tanning place that the busest time was spring. Springtime is when the days are getting longer and hence more sun. This makes no sense to me.
I have to be stable to take this medication, but if I was stable I would not need this medication. What the what...?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Conniption Fit

Fucking Bloody 'Ell. Fuck off emotions. I hate you sometimes.

One of those Fucking Days

But this make me so happy!! I can so see me being one of those florist that do this...and being scoffed at by the local Eastern European and/or Gay Male Florists that rule the industry here in Vancouver. I love it, and fuck those that don't. (but I still love's just one of those days).
p.s. I'd love to give photo cred but the site I stole these from didn't have the Florist or Photographer.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Welcome to Crackton

Let me set the scene: A beautiful April afternoon and I was doing some spring cleaning. I noticed a couple of dudes gathering in the driveway of the condo next door. They were all looking around being shifty. Bloody hell. So the truck with the magas pulls up, dude in the hat & bicycle gets in goes for a ride around the block. They wern't even gone 2 minutes, why even drive away if you just going to sit in the same place and smoke the fucking crack? 'Course Spoons scrubbles his way in there. The shithead on the bike starts yelling on his cell phone about $$.

Listen, I truly belive that everyone has the right to put whatever they want in their Own Bodies...just please try to fucking be discreet. You are going on to someone's property and being an asshole. It's rude.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Goat is Actually Feeling Fine

I really feel like getting all SoapBoxy but there is not really any one thing that is Getting My Goat. I'm at a loss.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I am soooo BOARD right now

Yawnnnnnnn....hhhhummm ......smackkk sssmackk.....How can Life be so stimulating yet so boaring...I wonder (in My Head).

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Alot of my peers have no interest in todays wars and human rights. They don't care because they have choices. What choice to you have when your hometown is being bombed and your local business and homes are being looted. You have no choice, all you have is survival. Some of us have no idea what that would be like so we choose not to. Us that have choices owe it to humankind to do what we can for so EVERYONE has a choice.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Move To A Boot

But try not to CHOKE on your tongue.

What Can You Do When You Live In A Shoe With A Roo

We are having toilet problems again. Bloody Hell. This morning Bobby says "we should call the super about this", and I say "I've tryed that 3 times last time". He's like "why the hell to we pay $900 for this tiny shitty flat"...well I think I paraphrased there...but thats what he ment. P.S. This is a file Photo but I thought this photo was fitting because it's a nice shot of Brush's Ass + Toilet = My feelings at the Moment!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Springtimes on The Drives

Warmth brings open flowers! There are no Weeds. People negatively label weeds...weeds. Their just aggressive Plants. What other plant do you know that can Flower in April under a pine tree??...humm...I'm waiting. You can also make Wine from Dandelions. The benefits are endless, I'm telling you.

Drummer Do It On The Side

It is crazy beautiful out today. It is starting to feel like summer is on it's way!! A couple of shots from my walk home. I loves this drummer dude. I decided to take the back alleys home. I can't tell you how many abandoned couches I saw. I wish I would have taken photos...I was thinking I could start an abandoned couch series. In about 8 blocks there was at least 8 couches...which happens to average out to a couch per block! I think I should go back outside...this couch talk is not stimulating at all!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Benificial Not Superficial

Sometimes all you need is 3 tenisballs stuck together. Thanks for the Balls!!~

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hoya...oh, oh,oh,Hoya~

Alba, Latin for white, of course. Albinos are not so evolved, which makes them vulnerable. That's why its so fun when they succeed!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


To support my Orchid Habit I think the next Era is going to grow Lettuce.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Definatly A Calligraphy Artist. Calligraphy is My Destiny.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I will never ever get tired of Flora

You know what is pretty?! Flora.

"Flowers are my destiny" said the most adorable Little Boy one sunny day in the Flowershop.


That all I can do really. Being authentic is the only thing that makes me feel balanced. Authenticity is not always pretty.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Instantainious Life...Just Add Water

" Add Water!?!? Oh no my dear that is far too much work. I want it super fabulous...AND it must stay that way until This trend is over."
This is a pic of my beloved Brain Cacti. He's dying at the moment. I don't have good expousre for Him. I live in a north facing cave. Bobby & I both hate this space but we are so both Cancers and hate moving.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Seriously I have to stop.

Back to Basics

In the cool of the evening
When everything is getting kind of groovy
You call me up and ask me
Would I like to go with you and see a movie?
First I say no, Ive got some plans for tonight
And then I stop and say all right
Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you
You always keep me guessing
I never seem to know what you are thinking
And if a girl looks at you
Its for sure your little eye will be a-winking
I get confused, I never know where I stand
And then you smile and hold my hand
Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you
If you decide some day to stop this little game that you are a-playing
Im gonna tell you all the things my hearts been a-dying to be saying
Just like a ghost youve been a-haunting my dreams
But now I know you're not what you seem
Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you
Ahh, ahh, spooky, mmm, spooky, ahh, ahh, ahh, spooky, ooh, spookyAhh, aah, aah, spooky

Adanac St.,...Thats Canada spelled Backwards

The Roo & I (but mostly The Roo) rooted our way into Bobby's Apartment on Adanac St. It was destiny. He lived in the same building as Sarah. I spent a weekend in that building a 3 years before trying to figure out how I could move here. He was our Shelter From The Storm. And we have been in Loves with Him ever since!~

Dark Room

Summer 2005...was a very good year.

Oh Baby

"So Bobby, what do you do for fun??" I ask.
Hey sexy, Hey Me!!~ I just got this film, that has been in my drawers for 3 years, developed. There are some great photos!! I loves film!
Little Miss RatAttude! Roo's eyes look hilarious in this pic!!

I got My Head in the bag

I wish! It's been a week since I've drank! I was so fucking sick I had no desire to. However, the other morning my head was so dizzy from my illness I thought to myself I totally feel drunk. Perhaps if I just pretend I'm pissed it will be less painful. Didn't work.
I'm feeling much better now. Tonight I'm going to The Space for The Blue & White Van rehersal. I'm gonna get wrecked! Bobby gave notice and their moving out of that space at the end of the month. They are moving to Victoria & Powell, the same place I lived when I first moved to VanCity! I'm glad cause the old place was getting a little sketchy.